”Dystopia” by the Nikolov-Ivanović Undectet is out! 

As you can see on the picture above, it takes a village to make an album and we’re very happy that all these people made it possible.

Listen to it here : https://bfan.link/dystopia-11
Hope you enjoy it !
Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this album, the musicians Olivier Laisney, Sebastien Llado, Milan Roksandic, Luka Ignjatovic, Kristijan Mlačak, Léo Guédy, Milos Budimirov, Noé Clerc, Mihail Ivanov-Misho and of course the +co-leader of the band Vladimir Nikolov (I’m a mere co-leader or ”pause” leader, next to being the drummer). Our amazing producer Jochen Neuffer. The sound engineer Saša Janković at the Future Nature Sound – studio, and (not on the photo) Erwan Boulay that mixed and mastered the album at the Studio Sextan – La Fonderie.
Dejan Podunavac that designed the album cover.
SCPP, Sokoj – Organizacija muzičkih autora Srbije that supported the release. And Rue Des Balkans for releasing it as well as L’AUTRE DISTRIBUTION.
Thanks for reading so far,
now !