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going out paris

Quarternity Blazin' Quartet

Blazin’ Quartet album release, 1ére partie Hugo Corbin Quartet

Srdjan Ivanovic Blazin’ Quartet

Christophe Panzani – Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Electronics
Andreas Polyzogopoulos – Trumpet, Effects
Mihail Ivanov – Bass
Srdjan Ivanovic – Drums, Electronics

This young band takes regard of no musical borders. Blending oriental musical philosophy with the adventurousness of jazz they’ve created a unique sound, ranging from melodic to rhythmic, concrete to abstract and acoustic to electronic. Surprising audiences and critics they quickly won in 2008 the Dutch Jazz Competition and the Holland Casino Jazz&Pop Award, and have since toured in Europe, Asia and America. They have recorded two albums with the dutch label Challenge, Finding A Way (2010) and Jalkan Bazz (2012).

Following the band leader’s move to France in 2014, the band has produced a third album and has been joined by saxophonist/clarinetist Christophe Panzani , who’s credentials include the Carla Bley Band.

For their upcoming album they are joined by guitarist Federico Casagrande, the appraised Italian guitar wizard who’s collaborations, among many, include Enrico Pieranuzzi.

Quarternity Blazin' Quartet

with Blazin’ Quartet

Srdjan Ivanovic Blazin’ Quartet

Christophe Panzani – Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Electronics
Andreas Polyzogopoulos – Trumpet, Effects
Mihail Ivanov – Bass
Srdjan Ivanovic – Drums, Electronics


This young band takes regard of no musical borders. Blending oriental musical philosophy with the adventurousness of jazz they’ve created a unique sound, ranging from melodic to rhythmic, concrete to abstract and acoustic to electronic. Surprising audiences and critics they quickly won in 2008 the Dutch Jazz Competition and the Holland Casino Jazz&Pop Award, and have since toured in Europe, Asia and America. They have recorded two albums with the dutch label Challenge, Finding A Way (2010) and Jalkan Bazz (2012).

Following the band leader’s move to France in 2014, the band has produced a third album and has been joined by saxophonist/clarinetist Christophe Panzani , who’s credentials include the Carla Bley Band.

For their upcoming album they are joined by guitarist Federico Casagrande, the appraised Italian guitar wizard who’s collaborations, among many, include Enrico Pieranuzzi.


Quarternity Blazin' Quartet


Christophe Panzani – Saxophone Ténor, Clarinette Basse, Effects
Andreas Polyzogopoulos – Trompette, Effects
Mihail Ivanov – Contrebasse
Srdjan Ivanovic – Batterie, Laptop

Un groupe qui a toute suite surpris le public et la critique en leur début en 2008 grâce à un son original et des composition solides. Ils ont vite gagné des prix (Dutch Jazz Competition 2008, Best Group à North Sea Jazz Festival , Holland Casino Jazz&Pop Award) et, les années suivantes, ont notamment tourné en Europe, mais aussi en Asie et en Amérique. Ils ont enregistré deux albums avec le label Challenge Records, Finding A Way (2010) et Jalkan Bazz (2012).
Après l’installation du leader en France en 2014, le groupe a produis un troisième album, qui sortira debut 2017.



The 3 Moons @ Les Disquaires

The 3 Moons

Christophe Panzani – Saxophone Ténor, Synthétiseur

Timothée Robert – Basse

Srdjan Ivanovic – Batterie, ordinateur

Trois lunes pour un monde musical inouï, au sens propre du terme. Trois lunes, trois musiciens qui exercent chacun des forces d’attraction propres sur cette musique en train de se faire. Une musique  tellurique soumise aux marées divergentes des énergies électrifiées des trois instruments.

Un trio formé en 2015 par Srdjan Ivanovic (batterie, electronics), Christophe Panzani (saxophone ténor, electronics) et Timothée Robert (basse électrique, electronics), The 3 Moons apportent leurs pierre à l’édifice de la musique d’aujourd’hui.


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