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Press about La mer, la pierre, la terre, l’oiseau

The reviews for the new album of Blazin’ Quartet are flattering.

Here’s one from the French JAZZ NEWS that focused on me:

Avec La mer, la pierre, la terre, l’oiseau ce subtil batteur propose un sacré voyage, inspiré par d’autres (anti)héros européens : le fameux Zorba le Grec et Alija Đerzelez, personnage légendaire de la littérature slave. On y retrouve le Français Christophe Panzani, l’Italien Federico Casagrande, le Grec Andreas Polyzogopoulos ou le Bulgare Mihail Ivanov. On appelle â un Européen convaincu. Et convaincant.

With La mer, la pierre, la terre, l’oiseau this subtle drummer proposes a journey, among others inspired byEuropean anti-heroes: the famous Zorba the Greek and Alija Đerzelez, a legendary figure of Slavic literature. The album features the Frenchman Christophe Panzani, the Italian Federico Casagrande, the Greek Andreas Polyzogopoulos and the Bulgarian Mihail Ivanov. We call that a convinced European. And convincing too.


Next coming from the lifestyle magazine InRocks – the albums was chosen as one of the 10 French jazz albums to be urgently listened to!

Les InRocks – Les 10-albums de jazz francais qu’il faut ecouter d’urgence

Le nom à rallonge de l’album l’indique clairement : la nature va parler, chuchoter ces secrets que l’esprit seul reçoit et que le musicien, dirigeant les vibrations de l’air, saura à son tour communiquer. Pour le batteur Srdjan Ivanovic, c’est là toute l’affaire, musicale aussi bien que spirituelle, et elle commande de savoir s’entourer pour arriver à ses fins. En Christophe Panzani (ténor et clarinette basse), Andreas Polyzogopoulos (trompette) et Mihail Ivanonv (contrebasse), il a trouvé les meilleurs partenaires possibles pour traverser l’espace de ses compositions en lents vols planés, plongées vertigineuses et jaillissements libérateurs.

The extended name of the album clearly indicates it: nature will speak, whisper secrets that only the spirit can detect and which the musician, controlling air vibrations, will in turn communicate. For the drummer Srdjan Ivanovic, this is what it’s about, musically as well as spiritually, and it demands to know to surround oneself to reach the goal. In Christophe Panzani (tenor and bass clarinet), Andreas Polyzogopoulos (trumpet) and Mihail Ivanonv (double bass), he found the best possible partners to cross the space of his compositions in slow flights, dizzy dips and releasing gushes.

Culture Jazz

une musique pensée comme une suite aux couleurs changeantes, pleine d’énergie et de poésie.

music thought as a suite of changing colours, full of energy and poetry.

Back from New York

After a full month in the Big Apple, I can say I’ve learned a lot, had great experiences on what to do and what not to do and met wonderful musicians as well as old friends.

Special thanks to my friend Jason Lindner for his mentorship and insight, and to my friend Randjit Prassad for the hanging out and the help.

Next time there (December 2015/January 2016) I hope to continue on some projects started and to have a blast.

Back in Paris I’ll be doing some nice concerts, specially with the co-led group The 3 Moons and the Marc Buronfonsse led Sounds Trio.

Check it out here:

The 3 Moons – Le Jongleur 

Sounds Trio – Sketch #5

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