**** in CONCERTO – Austria (album : Modular)
“Modular is a mature mixture of nine pieces of music, each of which is extremely complex and at the same time pleasant to listen to”
Concerto (AT) ****
Srdjan Ivanovic
Srdjan Ivanovic, drummer, composer
“Modular is a mature mixture of nine pieces of music, each of which is extremely complex and at the same time pleasant to listen to”
Concerto (AT) ****
We just finished recording a new album with the Undectet, co-led by master arranger, pianist and guitarist Vladimir Nikolov and myself. The team was amazing, 11 people dedicated towards bringing this music to life on tape. (well not tape, just bits and bytes I guess but that does not sound that nice …)
Very happy about the result so far, a lot of work stil left ahead, I’ll keep you posted!
I’m very glad to have recieved a scholarship for a freely shaped musical visit to New York in the US, to absorb the music, the creative energy and to take lessons from different great musicians focusing playing as well as composition. Looking forward to this creative trip, of a total duration of 3 months.
A big thanks to the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and in particular to the Jan en Tina Huizinga Fonds for giving me this opportunity.